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A Tribute to Ardeshir Mohasses

Ardeshir Mohasses, an eminent Iranian illustrator and cartoonist, passed away (9th October 2008) at the age of 70 in New York. His work over the last half century or more included caricature of social and political themes published in major international and national newspapers and journals, as well as book illustration and art exhibitions. Mohasses also introduced an international perspective to the art of caricature in Iran which was very influential.

The theme of his political cartoons, with their own unique style, is the relationship between the ruler and the ruled.  He also addressed general social themes of the third world, and had ‘pure’ surrealist art as well as erotic forms amongst his works. His works are still sold in Iran and there was a major exhibition of some of his works by the ‘Asia Society’ in New York (May-August 2008).

In this multimedia package, his friend and art critic, Javad Mojabi, tells of the winding path of the multifaceted life of this prominent figure in the world of Iranian art and social satire.

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